As George went to the gym today, and me now being a gym lover as we all know, I was at a loose end I thought I would pop up to Ellenbrook to get out of the house for a couple of hours. Much to my surprise quite a lot has happened since last week :o)
First things first the nice people at LWP have put up a sign which shows us a plan of what we are looking at, you can see whole area from this and i've taken a closer up picture below which is zoomed in specifically on our street.
The white dot on the bottom right of the plan is where the sign is and behind the sign is the parkland you can see on the right of the plan.
Now I can show you around, the below picture is just past the sign which is on the road called Lomas Circle. To the right is the park area and you can also see the cobbled paving going in which is being used on our road and I would assume all the roads you see on the plan.
This is continuing on Lomas Circle as you can see the paving runs out here and just off to the left is Geographe Loop.
Below is Geographe Loop taking shape quite nicely, you can see on the left hand side the retaining walls are going on on the plots ive taken another picture from the opposite side of the road below so you can see them a bit better
Walking up Geographe Loop the retaining walls are in and some of the plots are finished and they have even started to put the stone detailing into the retaining walls which is going to throw our house colour plans into disarray but thats a different story...
Back onto Lomas Circle I thought i'd walk up a bit further and much to my surprise Karridale Visa is there now. Okay theres not much to see yet but they have laid the base to the road and you can see the centre of the street where the trees will finally end up.
Our house is lot 7124 which is about half way up, still cant get there without wading through a sandpit so that will have to wait for a few weeks yet I think but still exciting to see it all taking shape.
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